Saturday, May 23, 2020

Social Media And Its Influence On Society - 1988 Words

It is perhaps easier to count the amount of persons who do not have an account on a social media platform. The dawn of social media has carved out a way in which all generations can keep in touch with the world. According to Facebook’s newsroom, Facebook has over 1 billion daily active users. On Instagram, an average of 80 million photos are uploaded daily and approximately 3.5 billion likes. No wonder social media and its networks have opened up numerous avenues for young budding entrepreneurs to get the â€Å"word out† and generate business. From Facebook to YouTube, and all in between, entrepreneurs have utilized these platforms to share, like, upload, tweet, re-post numerous activities all in the name of business. Whether it is to create their own page or use their personal profile to sell their business, they have made use of social media and its ability to reach the masses. Social Media and its’ networks have redefined the traditional view of the brick and mortar business in order to create new ventures for the aspiring entrepreneur. It has minimized the need for a physical building or address and the costs associated with advertising have been minimized. In addition to generating business for existing and established business, social media has created new job opportunities. It has also allowed businesses to expand their services to the far corners of the world. Companies are now hiring persons to manage their social media platforms; persons are showing their creative sideShow MoreRelatedSocial Media s Influence On Society1710 Words   |  7 Pagesnew social issue began to surface. As the internet rapidly gained international popularity, new branches of it were created. Currently, Social media dominates the internet world. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Documentos para green card por matrimonio con ciudadano

La documentacià ³n para sacar la tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio con un ciudadano es numerosa y conviene tenerla en mano o al menos solicitada antes de empezar la tramitacià ³n. En este artà ­culo se distingue, para hacerlo mà ¡s claro, entre los trà ¡mites que se realizan cuando el cà ³nyuge extranjero està ¡ ya en los Estados Unidos y se sigue lo que se conoce como un ajuste de estatus. Y tambià ©n cuando se da la circunstancia de que està ¡ en otro paà ­s y se sigue lo que se llama procedimiento consular. Recordar, antes de empezar, que en los Estados Unidos producen los efectos migratorios los matrimonios entre una mujer y un varà ³n que los de personas del mismo sexo. Lo à ºnico que se pide en este à ºltimo caso, es que la boda se celebre en un lugar cuyas leyes permiten el matrimonio gay. Documentos para la tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio con ciudadano por ajuste de estatus Las personas extranjeras presentes en Estados Unidos pueden obtener la residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card, por matrimonio con un ciudadano mediante un ajuste de estatus siempre y cuando hubieran ingresado al paà ­s de forma legal, con una visa o mediante el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas. Es decir, no pueden hacerlo aquellas personas que ingresaron ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos. Los migrantes que se encuentren en esta situacià ³n deben asesorarse con un abogado de confianza antes de iniciar los trà ¡mites. Ello es porque a mitad de los mismos tendrà ¡n que salir del paà ­s y, en la mayorà ­a de los casos, tendrà ¡n una prohibicià ³n para regresar por 3 o 10 aà ±os. Es necesario informarse para estudiar honestamente si existe alguna posibilidad de regularizar la situacià ³n sin necesidad de salir del paà ­s. Para los que pueden ajustar su estatus, pueden realizar en un solo paquete dos tramitaciones distintas: la peticià ³n de esposo y el ajuste de estatus. Los documentos son los siguientes: - Formulario I-130, peticià ³n de familiar - Copia certificada del acta de matrimonio. Si el casamiento se celebrà ³ en otro paà ­s, asegurarse de que cumple con todos los requisitos para ser considerado và ¡lido en Estados Unidos. En este caso, si el documento o cualquier otro no està ¡ en inglà ©s, deberà ¡ traducirse. Este es  un modelo de carta para hacer una traduccià ³n certificada  para Inmigracià ³n. - Prueba de la nacionalidad estadounidense: pasaporte americano, acta o certificado de nacimiento en Estados Unidos, certificado de naturalizacià ³n, acta de nacionalidad por ser hijo o hija de americano a pesar de haber nacido en el extranjero o cualquier otro documento que pueda ser admitido para probar la nacionalidad. - Del cà ³nyuge extranjero es necesario presentar copia certificada del acta o partida de nacimiento. Si no estuviera en inglà ©s, deberà ¡ traducirse y certificarse dicha traduccià ³n. No es necesario obtener la apostilla de la Haya. - 6 fotografà ­as tipo pasaporte de cada uno de los cà ³nyuges (cada uno, la suya). - Formulario I-485 para ajuste de estatus - Formulario del affidavit of support, tambià ©n conocida como planilla de mantenimiento, I-864 - Prueba de cumplir con el  requisito de ingresos para patrocinar: W2 o 1099, copia de haber pagado impuestos (tax returns) en los à ºltimos aà ±os y una carta de la empresa o empleador para la que se trabaje en la que se especifique desde cuà ¡ndo se trabaja en dicha compaà ±Ãƒ ­a, quà © posicià ³n se ocupa y cuà ¡l es el monto del salario anual. - Copia de las tres à ºltimas nà ³minas (pay stubs). - Formulario de informacià ³n biogrà ¡fica, que es el G-325A - Planilla de los resultados del examen mà ©dico, I-693 - Si se desea un permiso de trabajo antes de recibir la green card, llenar el formulario I-765 - Si se desea viajar fuera de Estados Unidos y regresar mientras se realiza la tramitacià ³n, puede que sea necesario llenar el formulario I-131 para el advance parole, o permiso para viajar. - El pago de la tarifa de todo el proceso. El Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) se pondrà ¡ en contacto para la cita de datos biomà ©tricos.   El siguiente paso serà ¡ recibir el permiso de trabajo, tambià ©n conocido como EAD, si se ha solicitado uno. Despuà ©s, aproximadamente entre 2 y 4 meses de haber enviado la aplicacià ³n, se recibirà ¡ una cita para la entrevista. En ella un empleado del USCIS intentarà ¡ determinar si el matrimonio es de conveniencia, en cuyo caso se suspenderà ¡ la peticià ³n de la green card.   Es importante llevar a la entrevista documentacià ³n que sirva para acreditar que el matrimonio es de verdad, como por ejemplo: Cuentas bancarias a nombre de ambos asà ­ como la titularidad de propiedades que pertenezcan a los dos o hipotecas conjuntas.Pà ³lizas de seguros (incluidos mà ©dicos) a nombre de ambos o en los que uno de ellos sea beneficiario de la pà ³liza del otro, como por ejemplo en los casos de seguros de vida.Fotocopias a color y de calidad de fotografà ­as de la boda, de la fiesta de compromiso, si la hubiera habido, de la pareja sola y tambià ©n con miembros de la familia y amigos. Colocar 2 à ³ tres fotografà ­as en un folio en blanco y escribir en inglà ©s el nombre de las personas que aparecen, el lugar y la fecha en la que se tomaron. Repetir la operacià ³n cuantas veces sea necesario.Lease del alquiler de la vivienda, si lo hubiere o hipoteca.Copia de cualquier documento en el que figuren los nombres de ambos cà ³nyuges, como por ejemplo cualquier tipo de factura.Copia de la factura de telà ©fono que pueda probar la comunicacià ³n entre ambos cuando eran novios.Si lo hubi era, copia de los tiquetes de avià ³n para visitarse.Tambià ©n llevar identificacià ³n, incluido el pasaporte del cà ³nyuge extranjero. Si la entrevista es exitosa, se sellarà ¡ el pasaporte del cà ³nyuge extranjero con una Tarjeta de Residencia temporal, que sirve para viajar y para trabajar. En el plazo de uno o dos meses se recibirà ¡ la green card de plà ¡stico por correo.   Finalmente, si la green card se recibià ³ antes de cumplir dos aà ±os de casado, serà ¡ de carà ¡cter condicional. Dicha condicionalidad la hay que levantar a los dos aà ±os. Peticià ³n de ciudadano para cà ³nyuge extranjero que està ¡ fuera de Estados Unidos En este caso el proceso es un poco distinto. Se inicia con la peticià ³n con el formulario I-130 y envià ¡ndose el pago por la tramitacià ³n y la documentacià ³n de apoyo que sirve para probar que existe un matrimonio, la ciudadanà ­a del solicitante y la identidad del solicitado (ver mà ¡s arriba en apartado anterior). Una vez que la peticià ³n es aprobada, el USCIS la envà ­a al Centro Nacional de Visas (NVC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Y serà ¡n ellos los que contacten y comiencen a pedir documentos y planillas, seguir las instrucciones al pie de la letra. Pedirà ¡n, entre otras cosas, el affidavit of support y todo lo relativo a probar que se tienen ingresos suficientes para patrocinar. Tambià ©n se darà ¡n instrucciones para el examen mà ©dico y, finalmente, para la entrevista en el consulado o embajada. Llevar toda la documentacià ³n que se indique. Si se pasa la entrevista, se recibe una visa de inmigrante que se estampa en el pasaporte. A partir de ese momento hay 6 meses para ingresar a los Estados Unidos. Y en ese momento, al llegar a un puerto de entrada terrestre, marà ­timo o de aeropuerto, se sella de nuevo el pasaporte con un sello de ingreso que junto a la visa de inmigrante equivale a una green card temporal, hasta que se recibe la de plà ¡stico. Al igual que sucede con el caso anterior, la green card de plà ¡stico es condicional si se recibe antes de llevar dos aà ±os de casado. En es caso hay que levantar dicha condicionalidad. Finalmente, destacar que si una persona està ¡ fuera de los Estados Unidos y piden a su nombre una green card, es muy difà ­cil que a partir de ese momento aprueben una peticià ³n de visa de turista. A tener en cuenta antes de iniciar los trà ¡mites para pedir a un cà ³nyuge De todas las cosas, dos destacan por su importancia y posibles consecuencias. En primer lugar hay que asegurarse de que se tienen ingresos suficientes o que se cuenta con un co-patrocinador. El USCIS no aprueba peticiones si no se cumple este requisito, no hay excepciones.   Y, en segundo lugar, informarse sobre las causas de denegacià ³n de la residencia. Y es que no es suficiente estar casado con un ciudadano. Hay que ser elegible para ingresar a los Estados Unidos y convertirse en residente. En algunos casos no es posible arreglar el problema. En otros es cuestià ³n de esperar a que pase el tiempo de castigo o, cuando se puede, pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. Esto à ºltimo hay que tenerlo especialmente en cuenta cuando el problema viene del hecho de haber estado ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos. Esto à ºltimo es un problema cuando se superan los 6 meses de ilegalidad  y se està ¡ fuera de Estados Unidos sin importar cà ³mo se habà ­a ingresado o cuando se està ¡ dentro y se ingresà ³ ilegalmente. Tambià ©n hay que tener en cuenta que en cosas del amor, las situaciones pueden cambiar. Si hay un cambio de opinià ³n por parte del ciudadano, podrà ­a poner fin a la peticià ³n.  Tambià ©n tener en cuenta que el divorcio, por parte de cualquiera de los cà ³nyuges, puede tener efectos migratorios importantes. Finalmente, para saber mà ¡s sobre la tarjeta de residencia se recomienda tomar este test de preguntas mà ºltiples, cuyas respuestas aclaran numerosas dudas. Este es un articulo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Pilates and Acupuncture Free Essays

Chronic low back pain is the diagnosis for individuals who have been suffering from acute back pain but have not showed any signs of improving. In a manner of speaking, chronic low back pain occurs when an individual’s acute back pain has reached the duration of 91 days without improvement (Bogduk McGuirk, 2002). Chronic low back pain has various treatments, and this research aims to determine which is appropriate. We will write a custom essay sample on A Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Pilates and Acupuncture or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to Colleen Craig (2001), pilates exercises abdominal muscles, and one of these abdominal muscles, if properly attended to, can prevent chronic low back pain. Acupuncture, on the other hand, is also used for the treatment of low back pain (Liao, Lee, Ng, 1994). Problem Statement and Hypothesis This study intends to determine whether or not pilates and acupuncture produce better results than that of traditional lumbar stabilization exercises for the treatment of chronic low back pain. The hypothesis of this research is that alternative methods, such as pilates and acupuncture, are superior over the traditional lumbar stabilization exercises in treating chronic low back pain. Assumption For this research, it is assumed that pilates and acupuncture produce better results than that of the traditional lumbar stabilization exercises when it comes to treating patients with chronic low back pain. Purpose and Significance This study aims to compare other modes of therapy to the traditional lumbar stabilization exercises and to determine whether other modes of therapy, specifically pilates and acupuncture, can help improve the conditions of patients who have chronic low back pain. The significance of the study is that it can provide information about which physical therapy is appropriate for individuals who have chronic low back pain. New information about various treatments can help enhance physical therapy and produce better results. Nature of Study and Theoretical Framework An integration of quantitative and qualitative methods will be conducted throughout the course of the study. The use of quantitative methods is vital for these will determine the empirical data that will contribute to the accuracy of the study. On the other hand, through the use of qualitative methods, the study will be able to provide insight on what the patients think of the aforementioned treatments. Research Questions This study aims to address the following: Which treatment is more effective in the treatment of chronic low back pain? Why is the treatment more effective than the other treatments? What are the pros and cons of alternative treatments for chronic low back pain?   Definition of Terms Chronic back pain – the condition wherein the individual has been suffering from acute back pain and has not shown any signs of improving after the duration of 91 days (Bogduk McGuirk, 2002). Pilates – a â€Å"system of exercises† (Breibart, 2005, p. 3) that helps to stretch and strengthen the body as well as improve its posture and tone (Breibart, 2005). Acupuncture – the insertion of â€Å"hair-fine needles† (Tierney, 1999, p. 1) into certain areas of the body in order to stimulate the healing capacity of the individual’s body (Tierney, 1999). How to cite A Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Pilates and Acupuncture, Papers

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sustainability Practices Of Star Bangalore â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Sustainability Practices Of Star Bangalore? Answer: Introduction Tourism is one of the worlds fastest growing industries. In many developing countries, it is the prime source of foreign currency inflow and employment. Sustainable tourism refers to the processes and ways that develops the tourism industry of a country while maintaining a balance in the environmental, economic and socio-cultural aspects of the industry. Sustainable tourism plays an important role in conserving the biodiversity of a country. The prime purpose of sustainable tourism is to generate employment, income and conserve local ecosystem while minimalising the impact on local environment and culture so that those could be made available to the future generations (Kaur, 2016). Sustainable tourism enhances the positive impacts of the tourism industry on biodiversity as well as reducing poverty, thus effectively promoting overall sustainable development of the country. The revenues that are generated by the tourism are often used in the protection and conservation of the biodivers ity and making sure that the natural habitat is not altered. Sustainable tourism also acts as an awareness raising program that advocates changing behaviour that would result in environmental development. The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel is a five-star hotel in Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The hotel is considered to be the flagship property among the Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces. In 2017, the hotel became the first building in the country to have intellectual property rights on its architectural design (Shah, 2014). The Taj Mahal has won numerous national and international awards for their services and performance in the hospitality sector and the group as a whole is considered to be one of the finest luxury hotel chains in the world, which only burdens them with more responsibility to take care of the environment. CSR and the Taj Mahal Hotel and communicating the stakeholders The Taj group of hotels understand that the activities of the hotels have significant impact on the local communities where the hotels are situated. The group has very explicit policies that advocated caring for the local communities. The brands slogan We sincerely care for you is an ideology that is adhered to in every activity of the hotel and also is believed by every employee of the hotel. The Taj has a number of stakeholders that the hotel has to serve, which include everyone from the customers, the employees and the shareholders. The stakeholders are notified about the CSR activities, the key projects and the impact s they have on the society and the environment through the annual reports, Taj web platforms and other relevant ways (Kaur, 2016). The Taj Mahal Palace has been internationally recognised for their CSR activities and the proposed new projects that are to be launched and undertaken over the next few years. These projects are expected to set new benchmarks across the planet for global sustainability and social responsibility. Implementation of the CSR policies is a commitment of an organization to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities. In the context of Hotel Taj, the CSR responsibilities are based on their legacy in order to giving back to the society. This organization is associated with the Tata group to bring improvement in the quality of life. This organization focuses on the socio-cultural development of its operational regions. However, in India this organisation intends to become a significant contributor to CSR activities by establishing the social improvement projects. Such projects aim to improve the life of unprivileged communities in Indian village and towns (Ferus-Comelo, 2014). According to the Company Act 2013, the CSR program includes vocational skill development program, promotion of indigenous culture and disaster relief and rehabilitation campaign. These CSR activities are carried out by this organization. In order to carry out the CSR activities, such organization needs to ensure that they have to spend more in every financial year to carry out the CSR activities (, 2017). In order to develop the CSR responsibilities, such organization has a CSR committee with three or more directors in this committee. The CSR activities are categorized under the section 135 of the Company Act. 2% of the total profit of per year is spent by this organization to implement the CSR activities. On the other hand, any surplus from the CSR program should not be added to the company benefit. CSR policies of Taj Hotel in social aspects The CSR policies of the Taj hotel are associated with the social development. In order to develop the social life of the people this organization follows the Company Act 2013. Based on this Act, disaster relief, vocational skill development and promotion of indigenous culture are included as the CSR policies of such organization (Fatma, 2016). The CSR activities include the development social projects to improve the life style of the unprivileged community. However, community development is a big part of the CSR policy in context of social aspect. The target community of their CSR policies is less privileged and marginalized women and youth. Therefore, school dropout youth, disaster victims and people from the rural areas are also categorized under the target group (Kumar, 2014). Hence, hotel Taj tries to bring improvement in their quality of life by adoption the above CSR policies. Improvement of the social life is a crucial CSR activity. Providing funding to the disaster victim is a vital social responsibility that can be categorized under the CSR activities. Hotel Taj has a project monitoring team that ensures the implementation of the CSR policies based on the Act. Stakeholder communication is an important part to implement the CSR policies within an organization (Hsieh, 2012). However, in order to make an association with Tata web stakeholder communication is necessary for the Taj hotel. Development of the vocational skill focuses on the social development of the indigenous people. The supporter partners of Taj hotel in this activity are NGOs and Tata Company. Such stakeholder association establishes CSR programs and provides skill training to the hospitality industries skill training to rural people, less privileged people and schedule cast people. This is an effective CSR policy of Taj hotel to bring the lifestyle of such people who are discriminated by the society. Therefore, 30 skill-training programs are in progress all over the country, which will be improved further to develop the indigenous youth more efficient (, 2017). In order to develop the personality and building the character of the indigenous youth vocational skill development program is a significant CSR activity for Hotel Taj. Development of the indigenous culture and the heritage is another CSR policy that is associated with the social development (Dodds Joppe, 2017). Providing support and improve the destination of the areas where the IHCL hotels are situated is crucial. For this purpose, it is important for the Taj hotel to extend support to the sites where the touristic interest occurs. On the other hand, preservation of heritage is another step f the CSR activity. In order to maximize the sustainable development associated with the social development, it is vital to provide training to the guides as well as the tourism department of Taj hotel. Apart from these clean India campaign in the hotel areas, villages, gardens and other public places is a beneficial approach of Taj hotel that is included in their CSR activities. However, such policy is helpful to enhance the social development by improving the lifestyle of the people (Coulson-Thomas, 2015). Neighborhood improvement and the initiative to impro ve the maintenance are the big components of the social development. It is mandatory for the hospitality sectors to carry out the clean campaign to make awareness among the staffs and the customers of their organization. Promotion of the indigenous culture and the art is an effective CSR policy to maximize the social development program. Such promotion can be done by displaying handicrafts and the social arts. The strategic partnership will be helpful for an organization to maintain their CSR activities (Shanti, 2016). In the context of hotel Taj, they have made a strategic partnership with the NGOs and the Tata Company, which enables them to carry out their social development project by meeting the needs of the indigenous people. Livelihood enhancement program is also undertaken by this hotel to figure out their social development activities. In order to carry out this program, it is essential to develop a responsible supply chain partnership. The purchase managers of the hotel should be conscious of the society and the environment. Training is required for the development of the supply chain partnership. This will allows the staffs to control the quality of the raw materials, design and the financi al management. Apart from these, the disaster relief program is another effective CSR activity of Taj hotel to improve the social life. They often provide funding for the disaster relief, which ensures their social responsibilities (Ferus-Comelo, 2014). Hence, the above CSR policies of such organization highlight on their different CSR policies in social aspects. These policies focus on their social development projects to improve the life of the unprivileged people in the society. Environmental sustainability The Taj Mahal Palace is heavily focused upon conserving the environment in which it operates and understands the needs for preserving environmental biodiversity in order to achieve sustainability. The main emphasis is given upon Resource Efficiency, which advocate water, energy and waste management programs, that are inclined towards making sure the non-renewable sources of energy are preserved for the future generations. The hotel understands that the environment is not only comprised of vegetation and wildlife diversity, but humans are also very much part of it (Ferus-Comelo, 2014). This has led the hotel to undertake projects that strive to protect the indigenous heritage, culture, art and handicraft to maintain the unique characteristics of the local communities. The hotel aims to support and improve the local destinations where the hotel is located. The Taj has various programs and initiatives that promote environmental safeguarding. Taj safaris are one of the most important and popular projects and tourism plans of the hotel that is committed towards preserving the countrys diverse and rich natural treasures. This initiative is driven by some basic social and conservation principles. The safari plans of the hotel adopts sustainable ecotourism models while providing the guests with the ultimate wildlife experience. The Taj has collaborated with Beyond to make sure that sustainable methods are adopted that promote responsible tourism. Controlling and reducing the food wastage quantity is another key aspect that is given a lot of focus by the hotel. Food wastage is one of the biggest issues on the planet at the moment and it has significant negative impacts on the environment (Verma, 2017). The Taj aims to resolve this or at least reduce the amount of wasted food as much as possible. Economic sustainability aspects of the hotel The hotel management understands that without a firm economic planning and a strong economy, no social or environmental causes can be fought for and hence the countrys and local economies must be boosted as much as possible (Mukherjee Ghosh, 2014). With this aim in mind, the Taj offers internships to numerous management and hotel industry students every year and also accepts voluntary work that does entail payment of different sorts (Kaur, 2016). The employees of the hotel are involved in every step of every activity so that the hotel can grow with everyone. This is the very way which helps to achieve sustainable development, where inclusive growth is prioritised every stakeholder is given much importance. Awards and market position Nine of the Taj Hotels have been accredited with EarthCheck, Gold, which is the global benchmark for environmental conservation certification. This organisation has its focus highlighted upon the tourism and hotel industry. This award was given to the hotels because of their remarkable feat of successfully conserving a huge amount of energy, that helped to bring electricity to 53,490 homes and reducing both a huge amount of waste as well as CO2 emissions. The stunning success of the Taj EARTH program has led the hotels to be internationally recognized as a global leader in the hospitality industry with a focus on sustainable development and promoting sustainable tourism. Conclusion From the above discussion it can be inferred that the Taj Mahal Palace is focused upon trying to create a tourism package that promotes tourism and ushers in a lot of foreign currency in the country, all the while keeping the social, environmental and socio-economic aspects in mind. the hotel is dedicated to achieving sustainable growth by maintaining a balance in the tourism operations of the hotel and the environment where the hotel is located. The hotel aims to, in the years to come, to rise and be recognised as one of the most hard working hotels in the planet that has the best interests of the planet at the core of its operations. References Coulson-Thomas, C. (2015). CSR Strategy: Width or Depth.Corporate Social Responsibility: An Actionable Business Agenda, New Delhi, IOD Publishing, 19th January, 54-59. Dodds, R., Joppe, M. (2017). The demand for, and participation in corporate social responsibility and sustainable tourismimplications for the Caribbean.ARA: Revista de Investigacin en Turismo,2(1). Fatma, M. (2016). The Impact of CSR on Consumer Responses in the Hospitality Industry: CSR and Consumer Responses. InCorporate Social Responsibility in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry(pp. 46-62). IGI Global. Ferus-Comelo, A. (2014). CSR as corporate self-reporting in India's tourism industry.Social Responsibility Journal,10(1), 53-67. Ferus-Comelo, A. (2014). 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